Question: How to install Java and Java plugins in Sabayon or gentoo ?
Answer :
Install JDK/JRE
emerge virtual/jdk.
to install your profile’s default JRE
emerge virtual/jre
Configuring your JDK/JRE
java-config –list-available-vms will give you a list of all available JREs and JDKs on your system
example :
# java-config --list-available-vms The following VMs are available for generation-2: 1) IcedTea6-bin 1.4.1 [icedtea6-bin] 2) Sun JDK [sun-jdk-1.5] *) Sun JDK [sun-jdk-1.6]
Setting the System VM
java-config --set-system-vm sun-jdk-1.6 Now using sun-jdk-1.6 as your generation-2 system JVM
Generate the profile.env
# env-update
Now is you new Vm system is activated
Install Java Browser Plugins
check the available plugins
# eselect java-nsplugin list [1] sun-jre-bin-1.6 [2] icedtea6-bin
Select the plugin you want
# eselect java-nsplugin set sun-jre-bin-1.6
Check the chosen plugin
# eselect java-nsplugin list [1] sun-jre-bin-1.6 current [2] icedtea6-bin
install the plugin for 64bit version
# echo "dev-java/sun-jre-bin nsplugin" >> /etc/portage/package.use # emerge sun-jre-bin
Views, select and activate
eselect java-nsplugin list Available 32-bit Java browser plugins [1] emul-linux-x86-java-1.5 [2] emul-linux-x86-java-1.6 Available 64-bit Java browser plugins [1] icedtea6-bin [2] sun-jre-bin-1.6
Chose the plugin you cant to use
(Choose the plugins for 32-bit and 64-bit browsers) # eselect java-nsplugin set 32bit emul-linux-x86-java-1.6 # eselect java-nsplugin set 64bit sun-jre-bin-1.6
check the selected plugins
# eselect java-nsplugin list
Available 32-bit Java browser plugins
[1] emul-linux-x86-java-1.5
[2] emul-linux-x86-java-1.6
current Available 64-bit Java browser plugins
[1] icedtea6-bin
[2] sun-jre-bin-1.6 current
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Install Java JRE/JDK in gentoo and sabayon